Lapua sports hall
During their final pre-season preparations, the city of Lapua´s pride, basketball club Kobrat received their most wanted early Christmas gift, in the form of a brand new LED screen scoreboard system, tailormade for the project by Digitekno. The city of Lapua´s interest in serving all sports and citizens from all walks of life, the solution consisted of multisport scoreboards and software for use cases way beyond sports, such as school events, exhibitions, etc. The solution was built around a large LED screen that can be used as a scoreboard, to play commercials or both simultaneously. Like many similar projects, this one also came about with certain challenges, due to incorporating high-tech devices into somewhat aged building´s infrastructure. Like always, after a few iterations all is set to go. We want to express our gratitude for the city of Lapua and the basketball club Kobrat!