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Jokirinne Learning Center

Facilities for indoor sports rose to the next level in Kirkkonummi municipality, when this stunning venue was built in the year 2020. From now on the students and local sports clubs get to enjoy modern training hall with all kinds of goodies, including our state-of-the-art scoreboard system and a jumbo sized LED-screen with superior picture quality, which will not leave even the most cynical ones wanting for something. The system was aqcuired from us by a middle company operating under general purchasing contract by the constructor, so vast quantities of precious time and money was saved in the process. And no compromise on quality was made. We want to express our gratitude for the parties involved in terms of excellent co-operation!


Lyreco Oy / Kirkkonummi municipality


  • DT-SPORT VIDEO PRO LED screen scoreboard system
  • DT-SPORT VIDEO scoreboard software
  • DT-SPORT 10300B scoreboards 3pcs
  • Novastar controller and videoprocessor


Yhteyshenkilösi Digiteknolla
Valtter Laaksonen
Marketing and Sales
Scoreboards, LED screens, LED displays