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DT-SPORT 12401 scoreboard

DT-SPORT 12401 scoreboard

DT-SPORT 12401 scoreboard
  • Installation: near home base / side field
  • Number height: 40 cm
  • Size: 209(l) x 179(k) x 8,6(s) cm, 60 kg
  • Control: DT-SPORT 40 panel / tablet App
  • Connection: wireless or cable
What does it say on the baseball scoreboard?

What does it say on the baseball scoreboard?

  1. Sets won / home team
  2. Set being played at the moment
  3. Sets won / guest team
  4. Runs / home team
  5. Strikes
  6. Runs / guest team
  7. Inning
  8. Player in batting turn
  9. Last batter
  10. Joker player


Valtter Laaksonen
Marketing and Sales
Scoreboards, LED screens, LED displays