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DT-SPORT 14601AFB team name matrix

DT-SPORT 14601AFB team name matrix

DT-SPORT 14601AFB team name matrix
  • Use: applying team names
  • Letter height: 30 cm
  • Installation: attached onto top of scoreboard
  • Text feed: through PC-program
  • Max amount of letters: 18-20
  • Display: rolling or static
What does it say on the scoreboard?

What does it say on the scoreboard?

  1. HOME = points for home team
  2. POSS = the team currently having the ball possession
  3. TIME = game clock / time-temperature (when scoreboard out-of-use)
  4. GUEST = points for guest team 
  5. DOWN = how many attempts (aka downs) have been made
  6. TO GO = how many yards to go on behalf of the attacking side
  7. BALL ON = how many yards the ball is from the goal 
  8. QTR = which fourth (aka quarter) of the game is being played 


Valtter Laaksonen
Marketing and Sales
Scoreboards, LED screens, LED displays